Kerri Rush
also known as The Wheatgrass Girl is the owner, farmer and chef of Fresh Wheatgrass Girl Farm in Carlisle, Iowa.
She started growing wheatgrass in 1996 when her Mother was diagnosed with stage 4 colon, liver and lymph node cancer. After much research she found wheatgrass and juicing as an alternative to conventional medicine. Her mother is still alive and cancer free!
Kerri opened Fresh Cafe & Market along with a stand at the Downtown Des Moines Farmers Market in 2006. Since then she has been recognized for her creativity and recipe development by many organizations. Including her Veggie Burger that is ranked top 10 in the US.
Aside from being a farmer, celebrity chef and CEO; Kerri is an avid walker, sauna enthusiast, live music connoisseur and mother who infuses love into everything she does.
The Fresh Mission
We are a family business that provides products that are alive and overflowing with positive energy and nourishment. We strive to learn everything we can about where we live and know that all we need to flourish and live sustainably is natural and right here in front of us. Being environmentally conscious care givers we honor the earth and ourselves, as we are one and the same. We support local, small farmers and raise up our neighbors even if they are across the globe. Our work is done with love. Integrity is our core. We are generous and grateful every day for everything.
Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine and Thy Medicine Be Thy Food - Hippocrates